The Advancements in Today’s School Security Camera Installation
Today’s Cameras Are a Far Cry from Their Predecessors

In March 2023, two schools in Victoria, TX, went into lockdown due to numerous gunshots being fired in their area. In September 2022, police arrested two Victoria I.S.D. students after they threatened to shoot up a school. In today's climate, there’s rarely a day that goes by that we don’t hear of a violent incident, whether in a school or other public space.
In response, school district administrators have been searching for possible solutions. From increasing guards to enhanced access management, gunshot detection, and video surveillance, increased security funding for schools has made many of these options possible. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 91% of public schools had security cameras in 2020.
As with most technology, however, a security camera installations and their capabilities continue to advance at a record pace. Are your district’s cameras keeping pace?
Let’s explore their latest features and benefits and how they’re helping protect students and staff throughout the Rio Grande Valley area.
SEE ALSO: School Security Solutions: Is It Time for an Upgrade?
Security Camera Locations
As the largest systems integrator serving the Rio Grande Valley since 1947, our expert security team at Circle Industries has witnessed the changing needs in school security firsthand. At one time, a security camera in the parking lot or school entrance would have been sufficient to protect students and staff. Those times have changed.
Today, security cameras are required at all entrances, hallways, common areas, building perimeters, and, in many cases, classrooms. Thanks to their AI capabilities, today’s cameras offer a proactive measure as well as a means to capture criminals after an incident occurs.
No longer a one-size-fits-all solution, our team performs site surveys to determine the most vulnerable areas and help school district administrators come up with viable solutions. Today, there’s a camera designed for every area, from large parking lots to sports fields and tucked-away corners. Some offer panoramic 360-degree views, requiring fewer cameras overall.
Security Camera Capabilities
These cameras learn as they watch over your school. Then, when something out of the ordinary occurs, they send an alert to school administrators and security personnel. Whether it’s a group of kids forming in an unusual spot, a bullying situation, or identifying a vaping event, you’ll be notified.
The latest security cameras can also spot weapons, including guns and knives. By integrating facial or license plate recognition, they can detect people or cars put on watch lists. They keep track of every visitor entering the school grounds and can alert administrators if they go into off-limit areas.
They stop potential intrusions and vandalism before they occur by recognizing unusual activity. And, in some cases, a security camera can deter someone intending harm just by its presence.
Today, providing a safe environment for students and staff takes every available means. At Circle Industries, our extensive experience and partnerships in the field ensure your schools are safeguarded by the best systems available. To learn more about a security camera installation or to schedule a site survey, contact Circle Industries today.