A gunfire detection system helps you get help from authorities in time
The spike in school shootings in the US is alarming. On average, there is at least one shooting per month. Moreover, these incidents can occur at any educational institute, whether an elementary school or a university.
Ever since these shootings started increasing, schools have increased their security in response. While different security systems keep the campus safe from intruders, the latest addition in response to these incidents is gunshot detection.
It helps prepare the school for active shooter situations by getting an immediate response from relevant authorities.
Read on to discover how a gunfire detection system can help protect students and faculty members in your McAllen, TX, school.
on Friday, 17 June 2022.
Posted in Gunshot Detection McAllen, TX, Gunshot Detection
Not so many years ago, school safety could be accomplished with one or two safety personnel whose main concerns were breaking up fights, catching kids cutting class, and preventing vandalism. Today's campuses require more than radios and a few stern words; the threats are more concerning and intense.
While the use of sophisticated access control of entryways and standard surveillance cameras has been shown to minimize incidents, you and your staff cannot be everywhere all the time. A professionally installed security monitoring service provides comprehensive coverage 24 hours a day without interruption.
Is your school district looking to protect students with faster identification of trouble and response times? Continue reading below to learn more.
on Monday, 13 June 2022.
Posted in Security Monitoring Service McAllen, TX , Security Monitoring Service
It is a universal truism that children are our future; our job is to give them the space and opportunity to learn and grow. Sadly, the threats to our schools are many. One only needs to turn on the news to see that the danger is genuine and very present.
The research is clear, though. When students feel protected from violence and outside intrusions, they do better in their studies and become more engaged with their classmates and the community. At Circle Industries, we are dedicated to offering the highest-grade school alarm systems that detect, deter, and keep everyone informed.
Are you concerned about the security and protection of your Victoria, TX, campuses? Read below to learn more.
on Wednesday, 08 June 2022.
Posted in School Alarm Systems Victoria, TX , School Alarm Systems
Learn How the Advanced Technology Saves Time, Money and Lives
As a security team leader, safety administrator, or public safety manager, you know that keeping track of every entry and exit can be demanding. Having the ability to detect potential trouble before it happens is critical.
Law enforcement studies and insurance statistics show that AI-based surveillance (Artificial Intelligence) can reduce incidents by half. In addition, when a crime occurs, rapid deployment of officers through these service alerts prevents violence from spreading further in the majority of cases. The use of license plate recognition (LPR) technology gives you an upper hand in identifying serious threats and persistent scofflaws.
Are you curious about how integrating a system from Circle Industries protects people and property in the Rio Grande City, TX area? Continue reading below to find out more.
on Thursday, 26 May 2022.
Posted in License Plate Recognition Rio Grande, TX , License Plate Recognition