Protect Your Employees with Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Learn How Our Advanced Systems Keep Your Staff and Clients Safe from Unseen Threats
There are some obvious options when it comes to protecting businesses, people, and property. Burglar alarm systems warn you of potential break-ins, sophisticated surveillance cameras alert you of potential trouble before incidents occur, and access control technologies keep interlopers out without causing delay to your daily business operations.
While the technology systems mentioned above work well, especially when designed by certified professionals, there are still some invisible threats that require your immediate attention. Your commercial security system also needs carbon dioxide detectors to protect everyone at all times.
Do you know that the best time to act and avoid tragedy is now, before anything ever occurs on your Corpus Christi, TX property? Continue reading below to learn more.
See Also: Why You Should Invest In A Fire Detection System
The Silent Killer
Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that has no smell or other obvious signs when it is present. Even a short exposure to the gas produces symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, chest pains, and intense headaches. It also causes severe disorientation and can kill a person before they ever realize something is horribly wrong.
A National Institute of Health study reveals startling statistics of approximately 50,000 emergency room visits per year, with 21,000 cases not even being related to fire! More than 2,000 incidents result in hospitalization as well.
How It Works
We recommend carbon monoxide detectors that incorporate any of the following sensors: biomimetic (gel changes color when detected), metal oxide semiconductor (silica chip lowers electrical resistance when detected), and electrochemical (electrodes sense chemical change). Once the gas is detected, the detector unit triggers audible sirens. To comply with ADA requirements for the hearing impaired, our commercial-grade systems also incorporate flashing strobes for additional safety.
Centralized Monitoring Save Lives
In addition, most insurance companies and local fire and safety ordinances require connection to certified remote monitoring services; our team ensures this happens. In addition to equipment integration, we offer 24/7/365 monitoring of your Texas business. Whether you have one location, a campus, or facilities across the state, our highly trained agents work in concert with automated platforms to notify first responders, administration, and current occupants.
Protection Beyond Alarms
At Circle Industries, we provide comprehensive safety and security systems that go beyond alarms and alerts. Call us today at 833-424-7253 or fill out our contact form to set up a security consultation.