Experience Access & Security Made Simple for Company Owners & Managers
As a Texas business owner, the expenses never seem to stop, and it’s important to have a long-term plan for any of your purchases. This means that buying technology that proves itself obsolete in only a couple of years or requires pricy software updates and add-ons to continue working simply isn’t in the budget.
Keeping your business investments secure, including your staff, inventory, property, and customers, is always in the budget, though. If you have no access control system or are operating an outdated platform, now is the perfect time to consider adding or upgrading this solution for your Brownsville, TX business property.
Read below for more about this innovative commercial technology and learn how to plan for a flexible access control system that will grow with you as your business continues to evolve.
on Wednesday, 26 May 2021.
Posted in Access Control Brownsville, TX, Access Control
School Surveillance Cameras Provide Peace of Mind During a Challenging Transition
A March 2021 study by the United States Department of Education showed that 54% of K-8 public schools had moved back to full-time, in-person instruction. That percentage will undoubtedly grow in the fall as the nation moves back to pre-coronavirus circumstances due to the lifting of state mandates and widespread vaccination availability.
What that means for Harlingen-area schools is an influx of students, faculty, and staff that have been away from campus for an extended period. Social norms have shifted dramatically over the last year as many wore masks and socially distanced themselves inside their Texas homes. Some students may be uncomfortable with the return, and many will see this as an exciting opportunity to return to a new “normal.”
By installing new or upgrading existing school surveillance cameras, Texas school administrators can keep their eye on campus buildings during a challenging time, improving the safety of everyone on campus, plus the school grounds itself.
Read below to learn more!
on Friday, 21 May 2021.
Posted in School Surveillance Cameras Harlingen, TX , School Surveillance Cameras
School Security Systems Provide You The Tools To Prevent Problems and Protect Staff and Students
Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety of your students and staff. Today, potential threats can appear to be overwhelming and untenable. Whether it is violent incidents, drugs, bullying, or illness, the parents, children, teachers, and local law enforcement put their trust in you.
Using proven school security systems and a well-structured safety plan can significantly minimize the dangers. While technology is part of the solution, it is only useful when combined with well-practiced procedures and protocols. The goal is to deter when possible, detect when an incident does happen, and de-escalate any situation quickly with minimal impact.
What does it take to balance creating a positive learning environment and proactive security in your Victoria, TX School? Read below to learn more.
on Friday, 14 May 2021.
Posted in School Security Systems Victoria, TX , School Security Systems
Operate Smarter with Modern Commercial Technology Solutions
Maintaining your Texas business is at the top of your priority list if you’re a manager. The last 14 months have been tough for company managers and owners across the globe, so it’s important to keep your eye on ways to maintain the status quo in some instances but also improve in others.
When it comes to employee and patron safety, it is time to improve your current processes. With a pandemic here and only beginning to end, it’s important to continue many of the new business practices you started in 2020. Safety is imperative, no matter what industry you are in, and an occupancy sensor system can help.
Read on below to learn how occupancy sensors offer commercial managers throughout McAllen and South Texas a cost-efficient way to maintain current safety protocols and help you stay safe in the future, too.
on Monday, 10 May 2021.
Posted in Occupancy Sensor System McAllen, TX , Occupancy Sensor System